Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our craziness

I feel like our life is going so fast & I try to figure out why we are so busy but haven't put my finger on it just yet. I finally get a moment to post because Chris & Jaden are taking my brother to Burley to meet his wife...yay. Not yay that he's leaving us, yay that I have a small break (wait, I still have Landon & he just happens to be crying.)

First I should mention after months & months of waiting that Landon finally has not just a tooth but 3 teeth. I tried really hard to capture them on camera but for some reason any time your figures go near their mouths they think they're supposed to chew on them. AND the crawing is soooooo close. He goes in full circles but hates his tummy & I think that is what is holding him back. I'm thinking I should be enjoying this because I don't have any baby gates up yet & I have two full sets of stairs to monitor. It will be a challenge.

If you remember I posted curtains I made a couple of months ago. Well I didn't really like them & they've been bothering me. I think that I was just excited that I actually was able to sew them. I did another take & I think they look much better...the picture not so much. Too much light from the windows. I have been on this HUGE kick lately of trying to reuse, not be wasteful, thrifty, ect. So don't worry about the wasted fabric...I have some ideas. My minds just ticking away.

And speaking of my mind. I really have worried about continuing to use my mind. I don't want to lose skills that I worked so hard to get. For a good number of years I worked really hard at my career (60+ hours a week, pre-kids) & I want to make sure my minds keeps thinking (besides sewing projects & what to make for dinner). I decided to take a tax class & then do taxes one or two nights a week during the tax season. If anyone wants me to do their tax return for $20 let me know. I can do 5 for this price but have to know RIGHT NOW!!!

AND we've finally narrowed down Jaden's Halloween costume. That boy likes something one minute & not the next so it wasn't an easy task. He's going to be a lego. I'm still making the costume but so far so CUTE. I was going to different websites to see what Jaden liked & finally I went to one that had homemade ideas & the lego is the only one that he liked. This was after we had bought him items to be MAX from Max & Ruby. He loved them for like a week & now has zero interest. Anyone want some overalls.

And last of all...we were just "Boo-ed" twice within 5 minutes of each other so I didn't have time to put our sign out. The odd thing was that the second one had nothing on the plate. I did takes a few minutes to get to the door so I'm not sure if a cat or dog ate them but I was looking around to see if someone was playing a joke. NOW I have to BOO 6 houses.


Burrellblog said...

Kimri-how do I get my friends and family to update like yours? where do I go, what do I do? Help me please!!! Love Kathy

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the WONDERFUL pictures. I am going to put them on the wall of my new office.
Grandma Murphy