Saturday, June 26, 2010


Jaden hates riding in the car. He whines about it & it can make for a very frustrating ride.

Unfortunately I've been doing a few dealership things this week that has required some driving. It makes me feel better as a mom if I'm including my children in my efforts then leaving them with a babysitter BUT today after another trip to Pocatello (took one late last night) Chris & I were feeling a little guilty. That's where bribery came in. We told Jaden that we'd go to Ross Park & go to his favorite McDonalds ever. They have a free basketball game that he loves!

As we were driving Chris & I were discussing the hope that the boys will reflect back on these experiences with fond memories. The dreamer in me conjured up an image of a dealership worths millions & the boys sharing memories of when there mom & dad were just starting (and making mistakes, but hopefully they don't remember that.)

So, I think we were forgiven for taking them on another road least their smiles say so. And the lazy river....loved it! It was relaxing! I think I'm a little lazy for wanting to stay there the whole time.
On the way home Chris & I were discussing another business venture we may be part of & we laughed about the massive amount of research we were going to need to do & the places we'd have to travel to get it. These places too would put a BIG smile on our boys faces...if they can get over the time that it takes to get there:)

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