They both roll to their tummies now. They both, on the same day, decided they didn't like their binkies anymore and decided they prefer their fingers and thumbs...super cute but a habit that I know will be hard to break.
I've worried that having two of them that I'm not able to give them the attention they need but I'm also finding that they give each other so much. I love to lay them on the floor and watch them explore and gravitate to one another. The push off with their feet and move around the room and its funny to see where they end up.
I often see one of them reaching to the other one when she's sad. Their bond has been so fascinating for me to witness and I will be very interested to see if they have the connection of almost feeling each other feelings I often hear about with identical twins. Today at church I was holding Eli and someone else was holding Alisha and they both just stared at each other and cooed. It really seemed like they were holding a conversation.
A couple Sundays ago Alisha was crying at church (I need to mention that I have such amazing help at church and I think I need at least quadruplets to meet the demand of all my helpers) and the person holding her took her into the bathroom and held her up to the mirror and she immediately calmed down. I love it when others share these stories with me because it helps me realize I'm not imagining this bond they have.
They are VERY healthy and at their 4 month appointment a couple of days ago I was worried the doctor would tell me I was over feeding them because they are growing to fast and are maybe a little chunky:) To my surprise he was so pleased with where they are and kept smiling at everything they did.
Alisha is such a sweetie. She loves to be cuddled and her smile is so sweet...she's so precious. She's not as strong and Eli and seems more content to just chill and look around. She does have a scowl though and sometimes looks really grumpy.
Eli is a hoot. I always assume I get all the attention because they twins but last Sunday I was holding her at church and a guy visiting kept staring and when we got within talking range he kept talking to her and couldn't get over how cute she was....he didn't know there was two of them:) Shortly after that in Sunday School she was cooing so loud that everyone kept watching her and not listening to the lesson. She's a much louder cooer then Alisha. She's usually moving her legs, tummy, arms. and is strong from all that movement.
They are so dang adorable! I love all the pictures! :)
I love those two little chunky monkeys.:)
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