Thursday, August 20, 2009


Yesterday my friend and I created homeade yogurt. Something healthy for the belly & something my kids LOVE. This fat free, sugar-free, honey flavored yogurt just makes me feel GOOD.

Now I should mention that I didn't really help create it as Jaden corrected me this morning...I asked him if he liked the yogurt that Jenn and I made, Jaden said "mom, Jenn made it while we went to Will's house." That in fact was a true statement although I did make it to Jenn's to watch her stir the yogurt. That's a contribution of some sort:)

Topped with homeade, low fat, sugar-free granola & blueberries my kids couldn't eat enough this morning.

AND here is a favorite sight of mine. My two boys enjoying each others company.

AND meet Jaden...the worm. Jaden so happily named him after himself. Jaden & Landon made a sandcastle so he's have a home. Aren't my boys so thoughtful???


Margaret Murphy said...

Wonderful picture ! Ask Chris about putting worms in his pockets - then I washed the pants and dryed them with the worm still in the pockets - opps maybe that was Scott!
The yogurt sound yummy I eat alot of it. Better go - Love You

Brittney said... can't post that and not share the recipe.

I was just thinking the other day as I was buying yogurt that I need to learn how to make it homemade or if nothing else start buying the plain yogurt and add fruit and honey in on our own. We always eat lite yogurt but I worry about the artificial sweeteners in there. It seems like you just can't win sometimes.

It would also be nice if I learned how to make it so that I could make soy yogurt for Carter where he can't have dairy. Soy yogurt is SO expensive and yucky. He always tries to sneak the regular kind.

If you don't post the recipe, please email it to me...PLEASE! :)

Nield Moments said...

I too would love the recipe!!!