Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today at the park I was snapping pictures of the kids....I was tired & looked on the ground to see my shadow. It then brought to my mind that sometimes we do feel like a shadow & that our needs come after everyone elses.

To go backwards our summer has been busy but SO fun! August had really slowed down & it's actually been a sad realization for me to know that summer is coming to an end. This week as I've cleaned up, entertained, & taken care of all the daily activities that must be attended to I wasn't too excited to realize how many more floors I would scrub in my life time, toilets I'd clean, food I'd cook, you get the point. It easy to forget about those things when you are out playing & spending little time at home. Probably where my greatest challenge at this time is my "momma's boys". It was a "momma's boy" but Jaden has decided that he too needs mom with him ALL the time. If I leave he goes hysterical...he's fine if he knows I'm at home but if he thinks I'm leaving he's an unhappy boy.
To top it all off, I'm trying to lose weight. It's an endless battle...again my battle seems to take a backseat to my boys needs since Landon refuses to go to the gyms daycare. Today, I tried to combine excercise with fun by riding my bike to the park...I was so tempted half way through to stop at the school playground since it was so much closer & my tired state REALLY wanted to stop. Yesterday after weighing myself; first time in two months & I was disappointed to realize that I've only lost 2 pounds...that 2 pounds in TWO months. Sigh....So I've decided that FAT should be beautiful & HEALTHY too. I just need to change the way that doctors think & then I don't have to feel guilty for the yummy brownie I enjoyed last night.

So now, Landons in bed, Jaden's playing by himself, and I'm taking a moment for myself to eat a yummy green salad that my friend made.


Jenn said...

Thanks for sharing. I think you should definitely take time to enjoy yourself and the snack of your choice! You are an awesome friend and I'm glad that we share a fence. I know that I've been the recipient of much of your time and efforts. I am grateful for your friendship and your many many talents.

Holly said...

Two words....SPA DAY!!!

Nield Moments said...

JR's grandma has told me on more than 1 occasion that if she could go back to any time period in her life it would be when her kids were all little. This is something I continually have to remind myself of- "yes, I will miss these crazy moments of trying to keep the house clean when 3 little tornados just go around undoing everything I just did! I will miss my kiddos hanging on my leg not wanting me to leave their sight."

As far as the weight thing, I 100% understand! I have learned I can't be too hard on myself though, because that won't help! =)

Maggi M said...

Wow -you are not alone in your thoughts. even us "old ladies" felt the same (back when your husband was young!)
Tomorrow is a new day!
I love you - Maggi

Brittney said...

That's a good analogy Kim and it's so true. Sometimes as a mom there's so many demands placed on you that there simply isn't time for yourself. You have to MAKE time for yourself. Schedule it into your day and don't feel guilty about it.

Sorry that Jaden's having separation anxiety now too. I saw how challenging it was with just Landon. I can't imagine having to deal with that with both. Maybe once he gets to go back to his little preschool he will snap out of this phase.

As for the weight loss, I could tell you had lost A LOT already when I was there so don't be so hard on yourself. Truth be told, the times that my body has changed the most are never reflective on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat so naturally as you are building muscle, the scale doesn't necessarily go down. My advice: take your measurements. That's what I do. The scale never changes more than 2 or three pounds for me no matter how hard I try so it's a better way to gauge how I am doing. You might want to give it a try. Maybe it will be less discouraging. Either way, be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up over it. That will NEVER serve its purpose! Love ya!

Brittney said...

BTW, it's okay to enjoy a chocolate brownie every once in a while too! :)

Jenna Johnson said...

I agree with the Chocolate Brownie comment left by Britt....But I think You already knew that one! And You can tell you have lost weight so don't get discouraged!!! YOu and Chris amaze me!