So I realized as I've recieved Christmas cards that I should have probably sent a note about what we've been and are up to this past year with our Christmas Cards. I had decided that since I had included the blog address that everyone could go & read for themselves BUT I think it will be easier to jot down a couple of items to help everyone catch up.
First, as I went through our address list of friends & family it brought so many memories to mind & made my heart ache for those we miss. Our year was full of highs & lows and we are so grateful for our many blessings.
The biggest highlight of our year would have to be the birth of our precious little one, Landon. Landon was born on February 9th of this year weighing 8 lbs & was 20 inches long. After several scares along the way for his health he came out PERFECT & he was a perfect little he's gotten older not as much:) He was a good sleeper & is my little cuddler. I love it.
Our 2nd highlight of the year would be getting in a house again. Apartment living did not suite us well at all & were very excited to get in our home in July after months & months of house hunting. We lost out on the first home of our choice to another buyer but are very happy where we are at & love our neighborhood.
Here's an update on each of us:
Chris works for Yellow Book as an Account Executive...that's what brought us back to Idaho. He's had a very successful year & we have felt very blessed with all of the opportunities that have come our way. Chris has also turned into a gym rat. He goes almost twice a day without fail & it shows. I was very motivated until mid-november & got lost in the holidays. That's what New Year Resolutions are for, right? Chris does some traveling with work but we try to go with him occasionaly when it fits in everyones schedule.
I currently stay at home with the boys and am figuring out how to be a stay-at-home mom. I've taken up a lot of hobbies & just adore my two crazy boys. Occassionaly I miss the demand of a stressful job but Chris constantly informs me that we are starting our own business & that I will be running it...anyone have any business plans we can steal:) He still encourages me to this day to go to law school but I think that's just a standing joke between us since I can win any argument.
Jaden turned 3 in June & goes to preschool every morning. He absolutely loves it & I'm seeing him grow up right before my eyes. He takes that school bus & consequently he loves all buses & gets excited when he sees them. He is a wonderful big brother & he loves Landon so much. When he gets home from school Landon is always taking a nap & the first thing he asks is always where Landon is. At the beginning of this year Jaden seemed to kind of go into his shell a little bit, I think all the changes made him a little bit overwelmed, but moving & getting settled was the magic potion & he makes friends with everyone he meets. Everyone is his friend & he loves to tell them that.
Landon is our sweet little baby & is turning into a babbler. He loves to say mama & dada & is so proud of himself. He dances to any kind of music & I can get him really excited when I dance & flail my hands in the air. He crawls at lightning speed & gets into everything.
We made lots of fun memories this year as a family & create many traditions...that's where you may have to read the blog:)
This year has been one that has been rough on our whole country & I hope we can all pray for our leaders to make decisions that will benefit the people of this country.
In Romans 8: 38-39 it reads...
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I encourage you all to stay close to the savior when times are tough & when they are going great. I think there are some tough times ahead in our country but we will get through them.
We are so grateful for each of you & wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. May you be blessed.
Love the Murphy's