Sunday, January 17, 2010

Guess who was on the front page of the newspaper?


Yesterday they did free ice skating lessons. I had thought about signing him up for regular lessons but I really didn't think that'd he'd like it so this was a perfect way to see. HE LOVED IT!

Can I say this was the funnest thing I've ever watched Jaden do. The next/last ice skating session is on Wednesdays which incidently is when Jaden plays basketball so unfortunately we have to wait until next year.

When Jaden first entered the ice he couldn't stay up at all. The funny thing was all the kids were standing so close together that they'd take each other down. I giggled the entire time. Towards the end Jaden got this burst of confidence & was running across the ice. He was so fast. He wasn't graceful.

At this point I saw a photographer taking a ton of photos of him & keep looking at me. I eventually realized he couldn't tell if I was his mom because Jaden had 3 other friends there & I was rooting them all on. Finally he came over & asked...they have to have permission to use there photos in the paper.

Even though Jaden took a number of spills, he loved every minute of it. It was a blast!


D-Mama said...

That is too cute!! Im glad you guys are having fun and keeping busy.

Brittney said...

How fun. I wish we had something like that here so that my kids could enjoy some type of winter sport.