Sunday, July 12, 2009

{a pictureless post}

So I can not find my battery charger for my camera. I'm sure it's somewhere...I'm usually really good about putting it in the specific location so that is why I am a little baffled. BUT here is exciting news!!!! I've been very envious of my sisters cameras. I know we shouldn't envy but I totally have been jeolous. The beginning of this week Chris told me out of the blue that I should buy myself a new camera. Originally we decided this would be a good Christmas gift so I still thought I should wait until Christmas but then....I just couldn't. 20 minutes later a Nikon D60 is in the mail. I can not wait. So all future posts will be much more vivid & beautiful!!!!

Our week has been BUSY!!!! With little cousins in town we've squished in lots of play time. Spray Park fun, playland time, hiking, Sandy Downs mudfest, & a family reunion.

Our family reunion was a camping event which we really don't do so we went up yesterday to take in the day festivities. Jaden LOVES playing in the trees & made lots of friends with his 2nd cousins. Landon also had fun running up & down the mountain & there were several dogs for him to play with so he was in heaven. A funny story....Jaden is really picky about where he'll go to the bathroom. When he saw that they were outhouses he refused to go. I was getting worried but he kept saying he'd hold it. Finally he told me he had to go & I asked him if he wanted to go behind a tree. He said yes but kept walking up the mountain to find the perfect tree. After a long walk up the mountain, through a lot of brush, he found the perfect tree to go potty at. I'm not sure I should be encouraging this potty outside thing but he's so stubborn I know he would have never went in the outhouse therefore he would have wet his pants.

Our next week is even crazier but it will be full of friends of family....some we haven't seen for awhile. So look forward to some fun adventures:):):)


Brittney said...

I'm so excited for you! You will love your new camera although I'm sure you'll realize it's not your sister's cameras that are so amazing, it's just the amazing photography skills-just kidding! :)

Can't wait to see the new pics!

Holly said...

Haha, just two days ago I was telling my hubby...(since I have serveral friends with the camera) how my pictures looks so sad compared to those taken with that camera!" So I have put it on my b-day wishlist!! I am so jealous you are getting yours! So I have been envying the same thing!

Ande said...

Nice camera, hope that you enjoy it. Have fun this week with all you guests, funny how they all seem to come at the same time.