Sunday, February 6, 2011


Here's a quick recap of January....I'm kind of glad this cold month is over:)

On New Years Day we enjoyed "all you can eat" pizza at Craigos. I definately took advantage of eating for 3. We went there to celebrate mine & Easton's Birthday.

Afterwards a sledding party. Jaden doesn't love the cold but Landon for the most part does. It's fun to see him venture outside.

Jaden also did Ice Skating Lessons. His real goal was to learn to ice skate & be able to play ice hockey. He's actually good at it but really didn't enjoy it. There were days I was dragging him there. I think this will be another sport we check off of his list of possibilities. I'm waiting to find that one sport he enjoys & excels at.
Jaden also had a school singing program. He doesn't enjoy singing....I'm making it sound like he doesn't like anything. So I definately went to the program with a knot in my stomach. He had his moments of pure enjoyment & other times when he wasn't even paying attention. They had some fun dancing numbers that were hilarious & he did seem to get into those...maybe dancing is in his future???? I don't think Chris would agree.

1 comment:

banjarsugih said...

Having time to playing with our kids is a very beautiful moment.