We've been busy with many different activities but what has consumed most of our time is moving our dealership. We made the decision to turn to a traditional dealership vs. a car buying service so be sure to visit our new location at 705 N Holmes in Idaho Falls. We have much to still do like purchase a lot of inventory but we did get everything done with the state so...YIPPEE! One check mark on a whole list of check marks:)
Here's some of the fun...
A back-to-school treasure hunt by grandma.

A fun run. Jaden was so funny when we caught him at the water table & not running half way through the race he said "mom, my feet forgot to run." He's an easily distracted boy! Landon insisted on staying in my arms the whole time & I had an arm ache for a week.

This kid is losing his naps. He still gets tired though so I usually set him on the couch watching Handy Manny at around 2:30 pm. Often this is the result. Aren't his chubby cheeks so cute!

This kids also loves to cook pretend food. I often get to experience & pretend to eat his creations!

Look whose a kindergartener now. What fun his first week of school was. I loved dropping him off & seeing his adorable face come out of the school when it ended. He's been bursting with excitement for school. I'm crossing my fingers that he remains excited to learn. He's been telling me for weeks he's got to go to school so that he can get some work done. He's so lucky to already have a bunch of friends that he knows in his class.

On Saturday we went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Jaden begged all day today to go back. The both loves RIDES & GAMES so they were both in heaven. Mom & Dad...not so much!

1 comment:
What a great idea your mom did! Back to school treasure hunt....I bet they loved it! I think I would have enjoyed the race "Jaden Style" too! ;)
Can't believe you have a Kindergartner! They grow too fast!
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