As the house nears a vote on the Health Care bill, I'm worried. I'll admit I haven't followed & read this bill the way I should....I think I'm too fearful to know what it really is. I'm worried this bill doesn't have the foundation that it needs to work and I'm worried our Nation is creating a HUGE motivation not to work and be successful.
First off, I need to mention that our family is very blessed. All of our needs are provided for so I know that my views reflect where our family is and I know there are hard working individuals that needs government assistance...hopefully for a short time only.
Last week we had to select our benefits for next year. This is a task and I wish I had a crystal ball that could see into the future to see what our health care needs will be. We had a choice of benefits for a monthly premium of $200, 300, or $400. Obviously the higher the premium, the better the benefits. We as a family use our benefits VERY little. When I'm pregnant that is when we use them the most. As we read through our benefits I asked Chris "when are you ready to have another baby". We decided last week that we will get pregnant later next year but have the baby in 2011..I like to plan, we'll see if our plan works out:). That way, we could save $200 a month by selecting the cheapest premium.
This week I also had an eye doctor appointment. I ran out of contacts...I had to wear my glasses for a week because I was one week away from my year mark for benefits from the last time I went to the eye doctor. As I went to pay I was disappointed with the many fees. I have insurance but it sure didn't feel like it by the time I walked out of the office.
So later in the week I was telling my mom that our benefits are deciding our future & that it's kind of sad. That we literally have planned what month we'll get pregnant, which month we'll pick up AFLAC, & so forth. My mom's reply was "Kimri, it's only going to get worse."
I don't have an answer for our country's problems. I sure wish I did BUT I do think that the answer isn't motivation for the poor to remain poor. HARD WORK is one of the answers amongst so many others. Thankfully I am surrounded by hard workers, motivated individuals but I've seen so many that aren't and it's a frustrating thing. So many receiving all the FREE benefits that go to the doctor for frivolous things. I do think a co-pay to those free benefits would help...maybe only $5. Just enough to encourage wise visits to the doctors.
When I saw the unemployment rate I was saddened. What a shocking number. How grateful I am that my husband has a job...appreciate employment! I hope we see this number decrease and quickly. I hope we can see an increase in jobs, employers motivated to hire, and less LAZY workers.
Again, I have to finish and but thankfully our family is still thriving despite all of this and I do hope that at some point in our lives we'll have the resources to help those hard workers that just can't quite make it. I'd personally like to choose who my tax dollars go to. I'm anxious to see what bills pass this next week.